
only better!

  • EConveniently from home
  • EEasy online process
  • ESecure, transparent & trustworthy
  • EFree mortgage comparison


We cooperate with more than 30 leading Austrian banks to providing you the best mortgage offers.

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In just a few steps you will receive customized offers through our secure platform realizing your dream home


Forget complicated. With Fimobilia at your side your Mortgage request will be simple because unlike others we combine the important with the necessary, present it clearly and transparently for you, act fairly and on an equal footing and try to put together the best overall package for you so that you can safely and relaxed make one of the biggest financial decisions in your life.

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What our
customers say!

Who is Fimobilia?

Fimobilia is your personal mortgage solution. All interested parties who need financing or want to reschedule an existing loan are in good hands with us! Our team has years of expertise in banking and credit and takes care of your real estate financing. We compile comparative offers from more than 20 banks for you and support you in all matters to realize your dream home.

Why should I work with Fimobilia?

We take over a large part of the work for our customers, which is otherwise done by the respective bank for you. The big advantage for you is that we submit one request to several banks for you. We see ourselves as an extended arm between you and the bank, saving you valuable time and money.

Isn't it easier to go to my local bank?

Of course, this is always an option! But even if you already have a new offer from your bank, a comparison is worthwhile. Different providers offer different products, which are varying in acceptance guidelines, terms, interest rates, etc. A comparison is always worthwhile. Especially now, since in August 2022, the credit acceptance guidelines were tightened by regulators.

Aren't intermediaries and platforms much more expensive?

Yes, unfortunately there are providers who charge for their services not insignificant costs for processing your mortgage. At Fimobilia we also ask you to help us with data and documents. Therefore our costs are by far cheaper than the average and you pay only if we can close the deal for you. You will not find any binding or obligatory contracts with us.

When will I get the first quotes?

Once we have received the necessary documents and information from you, it usually takes 2-3 business days until you receive a meaningful comparison of several offers.

Immobilienfinanzierung in Österreich